Have an idea to solve a climate problem?
Why we build startups
Women, youth, and historically marginalized people are continuously left out of the climate transition economy due to cultural, economic, and social barriers within the startup community. The result: climate “solutions” that ignore intersectionality and leave out the biggest stakeholders, the communities most affected. Everyone is needed for climate solutions that actually work for everyone.
Impact Zero supports climate startups from an idea to signing their first business customers. The proof of concept starts their momentum and provides critical learnings and skills to build sustainable climate businesses.
Not a founder? No worries!
We do work to inspire the next generation of founders, including monthly educational sessions, webinars, live events, and we share stories about the founders within our community
If you want to help a new founder get started, consider sponsoring a free spot in our next go-to-market group training cohort! We will accept a no-fee founder, and let them know you made it happen!
Circular Marketplace
Our new and improved Circular Marketplace has been revamped to list your business and find circular versions of the products you need every day:
Search by product (i.e. search for “totes” and see who sells them)
Learn about what makes each business circular
Filter search results by location & business owner identity
List your business so folks who want to support you can find you!
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you work at a company that wants to connect with innovators or climate conscious consumers, we like to have an excuse to get everyone together!
Whether you want to educate the public about circular economy or other climate topics, or showcase your own innovative solution - we can get the right people together to harness the power of community to spread awareness about values-aligned work.
We want to launch 100 climate startups in 2025
but we can’t do it without your support!